About Us
Who we are, what we do...
About Us!
Certain automobiles can satisfy our need to feel complete. The interface that joins one with machine goes
beyond simple ergonomics. The heart ratchets up even though that machine is parked and still. On a deeply personal
level, it is this synergy coupled with what one defines as perfect form that manifests itself as our unique solution.
How often have you glimpsed a car in the distance, or had it pass by at speed, or just remember one from a time past
when you were beginning to understand your own values and needs and thought, "That's the one for me"?
We reminisce for a car we should have kept or saw and never followed through on only to see it go to someone else.
Here at Elegant Motorcars, we empathize with those feeling completely. The kind of solutions we offer will never be
just a car. We specialize in the soul stirring joy of exceptional machinery offered at fair prices. Every car is gone
over from top to bottom, completely sorted and detailed to a very high standard. Our cars have been featured in several
high end magazines both stateside and across Europe (Please see our gallery for details).
When a car needs to be more, Elegant Motorcars. Let us help you find your dream.
Based in Northeast Pennsylvania, We buy and sell fine automobiles nationwide. Cars are shown by appointment only.
Detailed, high resolution pictures can be provided, along with any dialog/conversations needed to assist you in selecting
the right car.
The Elegant Motorcars Staff